Building Momentum for Mission

Building Momentum for Mission

With Lee Murray | Establish Church


Live from Auckland Bible Church, 12 pm – 2 pm Wednesday 23 May

We are pleased to partner with Grace Theological College to provide a working lunch on the topic of building momentum for mission in our churches.

Over lunch we will look at a case study of Establish Church that was planted in Australia in 2015 with a small core team – what can we learn from their experience and how can we apply some of the theologically driven principles to our own churches. This working lunch is for church leaders, pastors, and elders who long to cultivate a culture of evangelism in their churches.

  • What are the blockages that prevent more effective mission across our churches?
  • How can we equip our members and gifted evangelists to create momentum for mission?
  • How prayerful and engaged are our congregations with the task – and how can that be developed?