After 5 years having the joy of serving the Multiply network, my wife Rachael and I have made the decision that it is time to finish up. This has been a hard decision to work through as I have been and remain committed to the work of Multiply. I have particularly loved over the years seeing what God is doing around NZ, across different denominations and networks, as together we seek to evangelise churches into existence. It has been wonderful meeting and becoming friends with so many of you, hearing your dreams and the stories of God at work, and it has been a privilege praying with you. There is a real sense in which I wanted to continue doing this work for many years to come. So why am I leaving Multiply? We have felt God growing in us a desire to be serving in pastoral ministry, and the study and training that will prepare us for that. 

I have loved being freed up with Multiply to see churches strengthened and planted, and gospel workers raised up. I have also come to realise that I am passionate about being on the front lines of gospel ministry, teaching God’s word, encouraging, caring for and leading his people and sharing the wonderful gospel news.

To that end, our family has moved to Wellington where we have joined the City on a Hill Evangelical Church family. I have started some theological study, and will start an apprenticeship with City on a Hill at the end of April 2019. 

Going forward we are confident that God will continue to work through Multiply to identify, enable, and unleash missional leaders to evangelise churches into existence across denominations, throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. I am really looking forward to seeing a number of new churches kick-off in 2019, and gathering with apprentices around the country at the training intensives. I am looking forward to continuing to hear the stories of God working amongst the different churches around the country, and benefiting from the learning being shared across the network. More than any of that I look forward to, and pray for God to unite us in a single purpose – to see more churches planted to reach more people with the gospel.

Our ongoing prayer is that God would continue to use flawed people such as you and I, to extend his kingdom across Aotearoa. That in the years to come we would marvel at what he has done, seeing the gospel sound forth from churches all around NZ, plucking people from death and bringing them to life in the gospel, growing his people into the image of his son, raising up a generation of gospel workers, and churches planted as a result.  Stay tuned for some exciting updates on the Multiply network in the coming months.

If you would like to be kept in the loop on our journey, you can sign up for our prayer updates here:


Your brother,
Dave Giesbers