Advance | Raised Forever: Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Neal Vinson

Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Since the first time you engaged in any team sport as a child, you probably learned this truth: teamwork can be hard. Sometimes one kid wants to have the ball all to himself, and other times players disagree on responsibilities. Even for adults working together is difficult. Politics, ego, and mistrust get in the way of building a well-performing team. An efficient team truly is greater than the sum of its parts, especially in the area of Christian ministry. Exceptional teamwork can provide a church or ministry team an opportunity to both share the gospel and display the gospel as it maximizes its impact in its community. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a powerful tool for anyone who works on a team. This process identifies five dysfunctions that hinder teams from performing at their best and provides useful strategies to overcome them. I’m convinced that any team who learns how to avoid these dysfunctions will be amazing at what they do.

Neal Vinson

Neal serves as pastor of Redeemer Grace Presbyterian Church in Auckland, runs Alliance of Market Leaders, and also leads a roundtable for business owners. Neal has worked as a university campus team director, a pastor, a lay leader, and a business owner with 25 plus employees. He has been a part of great functioning teams as well as bad. These experiences give him insight on how to address the dysfunctions on your team. He is married to Jennifer, and they have four children scattered between NZ and the USA.

Advance | Raised Forever: The Fact Of The Resurrection – Rory Shiner

TALK 1 | The Fact Of The Resurrection

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Rory Shiner kicks off the 2020 Advance conference digging into 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.

Rory Shiner

Rory was born and raised in Albany, Western Australia. He studied English and Anthropology at university and, as a consequence, mainly worked in cafes and kebab shops. He is married to Susan and they have four boys.

He studied theology at Moore College, and he also has a PhD in Australian church history from Macquarie University. He maintains an ongoing interest in the place of religion in Australia, the nature of secular culture, and how best to reach our context with the message of Jesus. He enjoys writing, and has written books on union with Christ and the resurrection of Jesus.

Rory serves as the senior pastor of Providence City Church, in Perth, where he has overall responsibility for the vision and direction of the church. He also has a small role providing some coaching and support for other church leaders in the Prov Network.

Faith and Belief in New Zealand

Earlier this year McCrindle Research partnered with the Wilberforce Foundation to investigate faith and belief blockers among New Zealanders and to understand perceptions, opinions and attitudes towards Jesus, the Church and Christianity. This foundational piece of research draws along a similar line in Australia and specifically helps us to think through how we engage our communities in the gospel in New Zealand.

You can find more information on the research here. The NZ Herald reported the research on 21 June and noted that 55% of New Zealanders do not identify with a main religion and suggested “perhaps the increasing busyness of modern-day life or the emphasis on individualism and self-created identity have also had an impact.”

You can download copies of the infographic and the full report.

Our prayer is that this research really helps churches across New Zealand spread the magnificent news of Jesus in a way which will see a flourishing and growth across God’s kingdom as people turn from worshipping idols to serve the living and true God (1 Thess 1:9).