Proclaiming the Gospel in a Multicultural Context

How do we to reach an increasingly multicultural society with the gospel?

Over 40% of Auckland’s population were born overseas. Currently, 30% of Auckland’s population is of Asian ethnicity and this is projected to overtake Maori and Pacific Island ethnicity within the next decade. This workshop is a fantastic opportunity to draw from the experience of one of the most significant Asian-based youth movements in Australia.

Steve Chong is the founder and Director of the RICE movement. RICE started in 2002 with 5 churches and a 130 youth and is now a movement of thousands of teens and young adults, excited about the life Jesus gives and eager to share this news with their friends and family.

Steve was also the founding pastor of a church revitalisation project in Sydney’s south. He had the amazing privilege of starting a new church in a very multicultural suburb and watching God grow that from 4 to 400 in 6 years.

Throughout his ministry, Steve has been mentored by both Tim Keller and Mark Driscoll, and is also keen to talk about the massive effect and help of mentoring in Christian ministry, along with some of the great dangers in the personal life of the planter.

Steve is convinced that with the increasing multicultural mix that makes up what it means to be a New Zealander, if we are to reach this country with the gospel we need to be equipped to speak most effectively into this environment.  How to do that? Come and hear more about how to reach a multicultural society with the news of Jesus.

Auckland Bible Church
300 Great South Road,

Friday, 1 May 2015
10:15am to 12:30pm followed by lunch (provided by Multiply)